Sat. Aug. 22, 2009 Today was Chase's first Soccer game for this season. He is still in the U-8 age group. His team won 9 to 1. I didn't take any pictures due to rain. His team name is The Sharks. They only cancel the game if there is Lightning and or it is raining very hard. So every one was wet and cold.
Chase had a Karate Tournament Sat., June 13, 2009 So needles to say we were at the Tournament all day. Chase had fun. He really liked competing. This was his first Tournament.
I am thinking about making my own soap. I have had problems with my skin for a long time. It wasn't till I finally started using (100% Olive Oil Castile Soap) that my hands and the rest of my skin started doing better. My hands were always cracked and bleeding. And I would have rashes on other parts of my body. My skin has been doing so much better for the last two to three years. So when I ran out of my soap, and could no longer get it from the place where I had been, I tried store bought. It didn't take too long for my hands to start having problems again. So I Looked on line for another place. I found one in Canada. So I bought a enough to last awhile. Now I have noticed there are several in the US. But how long before you can no longer find it again. I looked up recipes and what supplies are needed. And it does not look hard. It takes 6 weeks for the soap to set. So now I just have to make up my mind whether to make soap or not.